How to Access Services
Please contact our Customer Service Centre between the hours of 8.15am and 4.00pm, Monday to Friday:
1800 679 336
Make sure you have your Medicare Card and for adults, your Centrelink Concession Cards with you before you call. All people requesting services will be assessed and prioritised according to dental need.
For further info about contacting a NSW Health – Public Dental Service, click here.
Patient Rights & Responsibilities
Everyone seeking or receiving healthcare in Australia has certain rights and responsibilities. They include the right to access healthcare, to safety, respect, communication, participation, privacy and to comment on their care. Information about patients Rights & Responsibilities (in English and other languages) can be found by clicking here.
Information about the Healthcare Rights for people with cognitive impairment (in English and 10 other languages) can be found by clicking here.
Do you need an Interpreter?
Please let our Customer Service Centre staff know if you need an Interpreter and they can arrange one to attend your first appointment.
Click here to access Dental/Oral Health information in other languages.