Disease Notification
The Infectious Diseases team monitors diseases listed under the Public Health Act 2010. Diseases listed under the Act must be notified to the Public Health Unit. Certain high-priority conditions must be notified on clinical suspicion whilst others are laboratory notifiable. Notifications are regularly received from doctors, laboratories, hospitals, schools, childcare centres and aged care facilities. Public health follow-up may involve a phone call to the referring doctor or relevant hospital, a childcare or aged care facility, or directly to the patient.
The Public Health Act 2010 lists a number of notifiable diseases and medical conditions.
There are also different requirements for disease notifications from medical practitioners and hospital chief executives, pathology laboratories, primary schools and childcare centres. Information about Disease Notification is available on the NSW Health website.
Instructions on how to notify an infectious disease to the Public Health Unit and disease notification forms can be found on the Disease Notification section of the NSW Health website.
Information on infectious diseases is available on the infectious disease factsheets page on the NSW Health website.
Below are links to agencies and other organisations that contain useful information: