Dental and Maxillofacial Department

How we can help you

We provide medical and surgical care for patients with head, neck, facial, mouth or dental injuries or illnesses. 

Our services include:

  • routine dental care for medically compromised adults and children with special needs including people with autism, head & neck cancers, EB and developmental delay
  • surgical correction of the jaw and/or orthodontic services for Sydney Children Hospital's patients which may include craniofacial, sleep apnoea and cleft palate patients 
  • implants for facial prostheses
  • designing special feeding plates for newborns with cleft lip/palates 
  • care for patients with head and neck cancer.

We also provide 24/7 treatment for emergency dental or facial trauma and infections through the emergency departments of both Prince of Wales Hospital and Sydney Children's Hospital.

Our team includes:

  • Dentists
  • Orthodontist
  • Maxillofacial Surgeons and their Registrars
  • Dental Assistants who make appointments and answer your queries.

We work in partnership with the referring specialists and doctors of both Prince of Wales and Sydney Children Hospitals and the emergency departments of these hospitals.

We work with Sydney Dental Hospital Maxillofacial Special Prosthetic Department and their Orthodontic Department.

The dental and maxillofacial department has doctor clinics at set times, these include:

Clinic Services Contact phone
Dental clinic Dental treatment and advice 02 9382 2245
Orthodontist clinic Our Orthodontist provides orthodontic treatment. 02 9382 2245
Maxillofacial clinic Our maxillofacial surgeon or his registrar will look after you if you have a facial trauma, facial infection, mouth disease or need surgery on your jaw. 02 9382 2245

We are a hospital based service and only accept referrals from Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney Children’s Hospital and The Royal Hospital for Women.

We will ring you or send you a letter for an appointment, or you can call us on 02 9382 2245 between 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday to make or cancel an appointment.  

If you are booked for surgery then you will need to ring 02 9382 2222 and ask for Admissions Office at Prince of Wales Hospital or Sydney Children Hospital.

Depending on the urgency, you may be seen within 24 hours, a few days or a few weeks.

For Orthodontics, may be 12 months or more

Please bring:

  • Your referral letter if you have one
  • All X-rays related to your problem
  • List of all the medicines you are currently taking 
  • Your Medicare card.

Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Sydney Health Carer Interpreter Service on 1800 477 233. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.