Pain Management - Information for Health Professionals

Our services/clinics


Multidisciplinary pain clinic – The person will see the pain medicine physician, physiotherapist and psychologist who will then discuss and make recommendations on the best options for managing pain.

Pain medicine physician clinic – The person will be assessed by the doctor, with further referral to the Multidisciplinary team if necessary.

Geriatric Pain Clinic – The person will be assessed in a specialised clinic for the older person with pain and multiple comorbidities which can address their complex medical issues and provide a multidisciplinary focus.

Subacute clinic -The person is assessed by a pain medicine physician for treatment early in their  medical or surgical condition. The clinic aims to reduce the risk of long term pain with its associated multidimensional comorbidities.  We also endeavor to reduce the risk of polypharmacy and development of drug dependence.

Prescription Opioid and Pain Clinic - The person is assessed for management of opioid analgesics and/or other psychotropic medications in in the context of chronic pain, and/or other comorbidities.  A treatment plan for each person will be developed, in consultation with the person and their GP to guide the ongoing management in the community.

If needed, the person may be referred to be assessed by our psychiatrist, addiction medicine specialist, social worker or occupational therapist.


Following a comprehensive assessment by our team, the person could be offered:

  • Pharmacological management of pain with analgesics and adjuvants.
  • Regular land-based group exercise program
  • Pain Physiotherapy strategies to help the persons find more comfortable ways to move and use their body
  • Psychological pain management strategies such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, relaxation techniques and pain education
  • Pain Management Program - Conducted in an individual or group setting using a combination of cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness and physical activation
  • Occupational therapy program involving support for work-related issues, functional assessment and pacing of activities
  • Mindfulness meditation in a group setting
  • Social work interventions and counselling.

A wide range of interventional management strategies are used to clarify the cause and manage pain including:

  • Diagnostic nerve blocks
  • Diagnostic infusions for the evaluation of pain
  • Therapeutic nerve blocks including radiofrequency neurotomy and neurolytic blocks
  • Intraspinal infusions of analgesics
  • Neuromodulation techniques including transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), transmagnetic stimulation (TMS), epidural spinal cord stimulation, dorsal root ganglion stimulation and intraspinal analgesic infusion
  • Implantation of intrathecal baclofen pumps for the management of intractable spasticity.

We also conduct inpatient consultations for people with severe pre-existing or uncontrolled pain or if requested by other specialist teams.

Our clinics are all located in the Prince of Wales Hospital Adult Outpatient Department, Campus Centre Building, Prince of Wales Hospital (building 16 on our campus map). See also information about how to get to our Randwick campus.

Clinic Name

Clinic Day

Clinic Time

Multidisciplinary Pain Clinic


830am -1230pm

A/Prof Kok Eng Khor


Alternate Wednesday and Friday

130pm – 5pm

830am – 12pm

Dr Chimene Bhar


Alternate Wednesday

130pm – 5pm

130pm – 5pm

Dr David Gorman


Alternate Wednesday


2pm -5pm

Dr Sachin Shetty

Alternate Wednesday

230pm -4pm

Dr Benjamin Teo



130pm -5pm


Dr Candice Wallman

Alternate Wednesday

Alternate Friday

Various times


Dr Swapnil Sharma





Prof Apo Demirkol

Alternate Wednesday


Dr Rebecca Moss

To be confirmed

To be confirmed

Rural and remote telehealth clinic

Once a month

2pm – 4pm

Tony Hollins

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Thursday & Friday

9am – 4pm

Talia Berman

Monday & Wednesday

9am – 4pm

Skye Sadokierski

Monday to Thursday

9am – 4pm

Josephine Wan

Monday & Wednesday

Alternate Tuesday

Various times

Various times

Gillian Carr

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


9am -4pm

8am - 12pm

Nurse Clinic





Clinic Consultants

Full Name

Position Title and/or Subspecialty

 A/Prof Kok-Eng Khor

Senior Staff Specialist; Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia

Dr Chimene Bhar

Senior Staff Specialist; Anaesthesia

Dr Teik Tay

Senior Staff Specialist; Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia

Dr David Gorman

Senior Staff Specialist; Pain; Palliative Care and Internal Medicine

Dr Sachin Shetty

Senior Staff Specialist; Pain and Rehabilitation  Medicine

Dr Benjamin Teo

Staff Specialist; Pain and Geriatrics Medicine

Dr Candice Wallman

Staff Specialist; Pain and Rehabilitation Medicine

Dr Swapnil Sharma

Senior Staff Specialist; Psychiatry 

Rebecca Moss

Staff Specialist; Psychiatry 

Prof Apo Demirkol

Senior Staff Specialist; Addiction Medicine

Other Health Professionals within the clinic

Full Name

Position Title and/or Speciality

Tony Hollins

Clinical Psychologist

Skye Sadokierski

APA Titled Pain Physiotherapist

Josephine Wan

Clinical Psychologist

Gillian Carr

Senior Physiotherapist

Tali Berman

Clinical Psychologist


Inclusion criteria

Conditions treated and/or accepted diagnoses (including severity)

  • Any form of chronic pain that interferes with the person’s functional status and quality of life
  • Pain in the subacute phase where there are issues with high level of analgesic use e.g. opioids, person distress and there is a risk of progressing to chronic pain
  • People with intractable cancer pain where interventional strategies are considered in the context of ongoing oncological and palliative care.

Additional person demographics (e.g. age range, catchment area)

  • Age over 18
  • Appointment preference will be given to the person who resides within the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Please refer to the Pain Australia website to access a national pain service directory

Urgent vs. non-urgent referrals

  • Urgent referrals include cancer pain, suspected complex regional pain syndrome or post herpetic neuralgia

Exclusion criteria

  • Interstate referrals will not be accepted. Please refer to the Pain Australia website to access a national pain service directory.

Prince of Wales Hospital Outpatient Department is using electronic referrals. eReferrals are electronic SmartForms that can be sent directly to the hospital facility from your practice system or the MyHealthLink Portal. An eReferral is an electronic document that can be sent securely, replacing other methods such as faxing or posting paper referrals. The above solutions enable referrals to be sent, received, and managed electronically. Referrers and patients will also receive notification of referral outcomes.

If the person is eligible for treatment, please read this information on how to submit your referral.

Private referrals (bulk-billed through Medicare)

All people have the right to choose to be treated as a public or private patients for outpatient attendances. If the person chooses to be treated privately and bulk-billed through Medicare, your referral must meet the following criteria:

  • You must address the referral to one Consultant from our Specialist team, not the hospital, clinic, outpatient department or JMO
  • You must sign and date the referral, and include your provider number and practice address
  • You must state the period of referral in months, or refer “indefinitely”
  • You must provide this referral on or prior to the appointment date.

Please note that it is also inappropriate for our administration team to recommend a consultant. We have listed the names and specialties of our consultants above to help you decide on the most appropriate practitioner

Urgent referrals

If the person needs to be seen urgently, please call the Prince of Wales Hospital switchboard on 9382 2222 and ask to speak with the Pain Fellow.

Once the eReferral has been received and accepted, a notification will be sent to the referrer and patient. A questionnaire will be emailed or sent to your patient via post. After we receive the completed questionnaire, the eReferral and questionnaire will be triaged. Appointment details will be provided via letter to the patient and GP. Patients will receive an SMS reminder 3 days before their appointment. If an appointment cannot be made, we will send the patients a letter confirming that they are on the outpatient waiting list for the next available appointment.

Who can you contact to follow up on a referral?

You may contact the Pain Management Secretary on (02) 9382 2863 to follow up on a referral.

What is the process if a patient misses or cancels their appointment?

If the person needs to change or cancel their appointment they should phone (02) 9382 0400.

If a new patient appointment is missed or cancelled (and not rebooked), we will send a letter to the persons GP. If a follow-up appointment is missed or cancelled, we will send the person a letter.

A GP referral is needed for billing to Medicare service