Speech Pathology

How we can help you

Our Speech Pathology service supports patients in hospital who have swallowing and communication problems including speech, voice or language difficulties. Swallowing problems may include coughing when eating and drinking or feeling food stuck in your throat.

If you have one of these problems we will first complete a clinical assessment and if needed will recommend you have some further tests.

We also have outpatient clinics to assess and treat you if you live in the Randwick, Botany, Waverley or Woollahra local government areas and are able to come to our clinic at the Hospital for an appointment.

If you require therapy in your home, you may be able to use the Community Speech Pathology Service. Telephone  02 9369 0400.

You need a referral from your local general practitioner (GP) or other specialist to use our service. If you have a voice disorder, you will need a referral from an Ear Nose and Throat specialist. The referral letter needs to include your contact details together with the reason for your referral and your medical history.

Please ask your doctor or specialist to email or fax us your referral letter on:

Email: SESLHD-POW-SpeechPathology@health.nsw.gov.au

Fax: 02 9382 2842

A Speech Pathologist will phone you within 1 week to let you know that your referral has been received and either give you an appointment or let you know how long you might have to wait until an appointment becomes available.

If you need to change or cancel your appointment please telephone us on 02 9382 2861.

Can I chose the day and time I attend the centre for my appointment?

Our general out patient service operates on Fridays between 8.00am - 4.30pm. We try to arrange an appointment time that suits you.  However, if you have a swallowing problem and require certain tests, appointment times may be limited.

You may need to wait up to a month for an appointment before you can see a Speech Pathologist. However, you will be seen sooner if your condition is urgent.

If your GP thinks you need an urgent appointment they need to telephone us to discuss your needs.

To refer your patient please email SESLHD-POW-SpeechPathology@health.nsw.gov.au  or fax 02 9382 2842.

Referrals must include information regarding the communication or swallow concern, relevant past medical and social history, functional/mobility status, current respiratory status (for swallow) and the person to contact for an assessment (if not the patient).

For patients who you suspect may require an instrumental swallow assessment (modified barium swallow (MBS) or flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallow (FEES)) this should be documented in the referral e.g. “Further instrumental assessment (MBS or FEES) may be required (at the discretion of the Speech Pathologist)” so that booking for this assessment can be made.

For voice assessment and therapy, patients require an ENT assessment prior to Speech Pathology input, with results provided to the Speech Pathologist at the initial consultation (or prior where possible).

Referrals are triaged every Friday. Referrals can be discussed via phone (02 9382 2861) on Fridays only. Voice-messages left on other days will be attended to on Fridays. If a matter is urgent the Speech Pathology manager can be contacted by phone on 02 9382 2883.

Patients are contacted within one week of a referral being received. Please do not give the referral to your patient as we will require it to assist in prioritising appointments or to book instrumental assessments.



Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us by telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.

We are a teaching hospital and you may be asked to be involved in research or for a student to be present at your appointment. Student Speech Pathologists will only ever see patients under the supervision of a qualified Speech Pathologist. You have the right to say no to being seen by a student or to participating in research, and this will have no impact in any way on the service you receive.