Neurointervention Department

How we can help you

We diagnose, manage and treat disease that affect your brain, nervous system, spinal cord, head and neck with minimally invasive image guided techniques. Our services are for adults and children. The medical imaging technologies we use include:

  • digital subtraction angiography
  • computed tomography (CT) 
  • ultrasound
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) often with advanced post processed imaging.

The Prince of Wales Hospital Department of Neurointervention is the first dedicated department in NSW. We care for people from across NSW who are appropriate for neurointervention treatment for:

  • brain aneurysms (bulging in a blood vessel in your brain)
  • bleeding in your brain called subarachnoid haemorrhage
  • abnormal blood vessels in your brain, head, neck and spine
  • stroke requiring clot removal.
  • chronic subdural haematoma
  • idiopathic intracranial hypertension and venous sinus stenosis
  • intracranial hypotension and CSF-venous fistula

Our team of specialists Doctors includes:

  • Dr Andrew Cheung (Acting Head of Department) 
  • Dr Jason Wenderoth
  • Dr Nathan Manning
  • Dr Justin Whitley 
  • Dr Alex McQuinn  

You will need a referral letter from your local general practitioner (GP) or specialty doctor to use this service. Your doctor will need to submit this referral electronically via Healthlink. Your referral will include your medical history, relevant test results, X-ray results and what medicines you are currently taking.

Once we receive this referral and accept it we will send you a letter with your appointment details. We will also send this to your doctor. If we cannot make an appointment for you, we will send you a letter confirming that you are on the waiting list for the next available appointment. 

If you need to change your address or phone number or change or cancel your appointment, please phone the Department of Neurointervention on (02) 9382 2736.

When you come to our hospital for your appointment, you can check-in using our electronic check-in kiosks. These are located in our Adult Outpatient Department, Acute Services Building (Botany Street), High Street and Barker Street entrances.

Check-in kiosk


Please let us know if you need an interpreter before your appointment date. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and call the Department of Neurointervention on (02) 9382 2736.

We are teaching hospital and you may be asked to have students present at your appointment or to be involved in research. You have a right to say no. If you do so, this will may cause a slight delay but will not impact on the services we will provide. You may be seen by a senior registrar or Fellow.