Endocrine - Research and Education

We support the training of senior and junior medical officers as well as medical students from University of New South Wales. We also support medical students include Independent Learning Projects (ILPs) and elective terms. Our staff also conduct periodic GP educational talks and workshops.


Medical Students

If you are a UNSW student needing to complete an independent learning project we encourage you to email any of the staff specialists for more details.

Elective students (local and overseas) are always welcome.


Junior Medical Staff

Training for junior medical staff (JMO) within the Department in two ways:

Intern/resident – we have one part-time position which is co-shared with another medical department. JMOs assume care of inpatients as well as attending the multitude of outpatient clinics available.

The department regularly provides tutorials to JMOs re: management of diabetes on the ward.

Basic Physician Trainee – we have one position which is shared with the Department of Obstetric Medicine, Royal Hospital for Women. The trainee attends all of the outpatient clinics available on our service.


Advanced Endocrinology Trainees

There are two full-time (required clinical year) positions available, which have full accreditation by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

Being one of the largest training hospitals, Prince of Wales Hospital has a wide variety of sub-specialty clinics which aim to provide trainees with a very broad exposure to all aspects of Endocrinology.


Sub-specialty clinics

  • Diabetes
  • Type I and insulin pumps
  • Multi-disciplinary diabetic foot clinic
  • General endocrinology
  • Osteoporosis and metabolic bone disorders
  • Pituitary disorders, Thyroid cancer, Hereditary Endocrine Cancer
  • Gestational diabetes, medical disorders in pregnancy
  • Reproductive endocrinology, ovulation induction
  • Long-term follow-up for survivors of childhood cancer


Regular educational activities 


  • Case presentations and journal club
  • Case review after endocrinology clinics
  • Endocrinology Grand Rounds (held in conjunction with the Department of Paediatric Endocrinology, Sydney Children's Hospital)
  • Hospital Grand Rounds


  • Radiology meetings
  • Multi-disciplinary meetings with the Departments of Nuclear Medicine, Endocrine Surgery and Anatomical Pathology

Specialised Training Opportunities

  • Dynamic function testing. A wide-range of endocrine dynamic function tests are available on our campus and trainees have responsibility for drafting preliminary reports
  • Trainees are given the opportunity to learn to report on bone mineral density scans
  • Undertake a research project and present the findings at a local or international meeting
  • Spend dedicated time in the SEALS Laboratory to learn about specific endocrine assays

Participate in paediatric endocrinology clinics at Sydney Children’s Hospital