Dermatology - The Brien Walder Department of Dermatology

How we can help you

We care for and treat people with skin cancers and other skin problems such as:

  • eczema
  • psoriasis
  • acne
  • dermatitis
  • hair and nail disorders
  • skin infections.

We look after people staying in the Hospital and provide outpatient clinic appointments for those living in South Eastern Sydney.

Our services include:

  • biopsies to help identify the problem
  • vascular laser - using light to treat abnormal blood vessels under the skin
  • narrowband UVB phototherapy - using UV light to treat skin conditions
  • hand and foot UVB phototherapy - using UV light to treat conditions on hands or feet 
  • photodynamic therapy - using cream and light to treat cancer cells
  • biologics - special medicines which help inflammation. 
  • skin surgery. 

Our team includes seven specialist doctors called Dermatologists, three Dermatology Registrars and one accredited Dermatology nurse.

Our Dermatologists:

Dermatologist Clinical and Research Areas Clinic Days

Dr Glenda Wood

Head of Department

General Dermatology

Photodynamic Therapy


Tuesdays 2.00 pm
Dr David Wong


Dermatology Surgery


 Monday 2.00pm

Also at Albion Street Clinic first Friday of the month at 10.00 am 

Dr Annette Wegman General Dermatology

Thursdays 11.00 am

As at March 2025 - clinic commencement time will be 2:00pm

Dr Rebecca Saunderson

General Dermatology

Patch testing

Fridays 2.00 pm

Dr Burcu Kim


General Dermatology

Vascular Laser


Thursdays 2.00 pm

As at 27 February 2025 - clinic commencement time will be 11:00am

Dr Anes Yang

General Dermatology

Vascular Laser


Thursdays 2.00 pm
Dr Adam Harris

General Dermatology

Dermatology Surgery


Fridays 9.00 am
Associate Professor Linda Martin  General Dermatology  Friday 2.00 pm


These clinics are located in the Adult Outpatient Department,  Level 2, Campus Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick. Phone: 02 9382 0400.

Clinic Name Day of the Week Time 
Surgical Clinic Mondays 2.00 - 5.00 pm
Registrar Treatment Clinic Tuesdays 9.30 - 11.00 am
General Dermatology, Photodynamic Therapy Tuesdays 2.00 - 5.00 pm
General Dermatology Thursdays 11.00 - 1.00 pm
General Dermatology, Biologics, Vascular Laser Thursdays 2.00 - 5.00 pm
Registrar Clinic Fridays 9.30 - 11.00 am
Surgical Clinic Fridays 9.00 - Midday
General Dermatology  Friday 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm

The following clinic is at the Albion Centre, Ground Floor, 150-154 Albion Street, Surry Hills. Phone: 02 9332 9600. 

Clinic Name Day of the Week Time 
Surgical Clinic First Friday of the month 10.00 am - 12.00 pm


You will need a referral letter from your local general practitioner (GP) or specialty doctor to use this service. Your doctor will need to submit this referral electronically via Healthlink. Your referral will include your medical history, relevant test results, X-ray results and what medicines you are currently taking.

Once we receive this referral and accept it we will send you a letter with your appointment details. We will also send this to your doctor. If the appointment is urgent we will contact you via telephone. If we cannot make an appointment for you, we will send you a letter confirming that you are on the waiting list for the next available appointment. If you change your address and/or phone number, please call 02 9382 0400.

If you provide your mobile phone number you will receive a SMS reminder 5 days before your appointment.

If you need to change or cancel your appointment please telephone 02 9382 0784 or 02 9382 0400.

When you come to our hospital for your appointment, you can check-in using our electronic check-in kiosks. These are located in our Adult Outpatient Department, Acute Services Building (Botany Street), High Street and Barker Street entrances.

Check-in kiosk


We are a teaching hospital and you may be asked to be involved in research or for a medical student to be present at your appointment. You have a right to say no. If you do so, this will not impact in any way on the services we will provide.

Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.