Cognitive Disorders Clinic

How we can help you

We help people who are experiencing cognitive decline from ageing or age-related diseases. Cognitive decline is when you have difficulty with memory, paying attention, speaking or understanding. You may also have difficulty recognising people, places or things, and might find new places or situations overwhelming.

Our team will thoroughly assess what is happening for you. We will take time to listen to your concerns and frustrations and provide advice on managing your cognitive decline through lifestyle changes and medicines (if appropriate). We will involve your family or carers and provide you information on your condition and a suite of therapy options both in the community and Hospital. We can also discuss new treatments and clinical trials with you.

We care for people over the age of 60 years who live in South Eastern Sydney. We care for those with a suspected cognitive disorder (including mild cognitive impairment, dementia) or those with a known cognitive disorder with complications.

Our team include specialist aged care Doctors called Geriatricians and doctors in training as well as specialised nurses and administration staff. 

Our Geriatricians are:

  • Dr Thi Yen Hill
  • Dr Stephanie Ward.

We work in partnership with your local doctor (GP), Prince of Wales Hospital and Community Health Services, local pharmacies and other Aged care service providers (including War Memorial Hospital, Day centres and residential aged care facilities).

Our clinic is held on Wednesdays from 1.00 - 4.00 pm and Thursdays from 9.00 am - 1.00 pm at the Adult Outpatient Department, Level 2, Campus Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital. 

You will need a referral letter from your local general practitioner (GP) or specialty doctor to use this service. Your doctor will need to submit this referral electronically via Healthlink. Your referral will include your medical history, relevant test results, X-ray results and what medicines you are currently taking.

Once we receive this referral and accept it we will send you a letter with your appointment details. We will also send this to your doctor. If we cannot make an appointment for you, we will send you a letter confirming that you are on the waiting list for the next available appointment.

If you provide your mobile phone number, you will receive a SMS reminder in the week before your appointment.   

You may need to wait from 3 - 6 months for your first appointment.

If you change your address and/or phone number, or need to change or cancel your appointment, please telephone the Aged Care Department during business hours on 02 9382 4252.

Please ask your GP (local doctor) to organise the following tests before your appointment with us:

  • Blood tests (FBC, EUC, LFT, CMP, B12/folate, TFT, fasting glucose) if none within the last 6 months.
  • Brain imaging (CT or MRI) if none within the last 12 months.

Bring these test results to your first appointment along with:

  • Your referral letter from your GP
  • Your Medicare card
  • A list of your medicines or bring all your medicines in a bag, including any herbal or over the counter medicines
  • Glasses
  • Hearing aids
  • You are encouraged to bring a support person (a relative, friend or carer) with you
  • Cambridge Behavioural Inventory (completed by a family member/carer/friend)
  • A snack or drink if needed.

When you come to our hospital for your appointment, you can check-in using our electronic check-in kiosks. These are located in our Adult Outpatient Department, Acute Services Building (Botany Street), High Street and Barker Street entrances.

Check-in kiosk


You can find more information on these trusted sources:

  • Dementia Australia via the National Dementia Helpline 1800 100 500 or
  • Dementia Support Australia on 1800 699 799 or
  • Community Dementia Nurse referrals via Northern Network Access and Referral Centre on Phone: 02 9369 0400 or My Aged Care on 1800 200 422
  • Aged Care Assessment Team for community supports via My Aged Care on 1800 200 422

We are a teaching hospital and you may be asked to be involved in research or for a student to be present at your appointment. You have a right to say no. If you do so, this will not impact in any way on the services we will provide.

Please let us know if you need an interpreter before your appointment date. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and our service on 02 9382 4252.