NSW Telestroke Nursing Education Calendar

NSW Telestroke Service provides free online education for nurses working in NSW Telestroke referring sites. Some of these webinars will be recorded and made available for future education purposes.

For other education resources, visit NSW Telestroke Service- Information for Health Professionals.

There are three ways you can register for the online sessions:

  • Scan the QR code attached to the Calendar for each month to request the MS Teams webinar link. You will need a NSW Health sign in. 
  • Click on the "Register Here" link above the Calendar for each month to request the MS Teams webinar link. You will need a NSW Health sign in.
  • Email us at: seslhd-nswtelestrokeservice@health.nsw.gov.au, stating the Date and Session that you are interested in. 

Organising local education

If you would like additional Telestroke education sessions for your staff, contact us at seslhd-nswtelestrokeservice@health.nsw.gov.au.

Education Calendar: July- September 2024

Register Here for July education.

Click here to enlarge Calendar.

Nursing Education Calendar July 2024

Register Here for August education.

Click here to enlarge Calendar.

Nursing Education Calendar August 2024

Register Here for September education.

Click here to enlarge Calendar.

Nursing Education Calendar September 2024