Palliative Supportive Multidisciplinary Clinic - Information for Health Professionals
Our services
The Palliative Supportive Multidisciplinary Clinic is for people with a life-limiting or progressive illness. The clinic offers management of complex pain or symptoms, associated with the life limiting illness, requiring specialist multidisciplinary team management; and assistance with goals of care, for example management of: nutrition, swallowing, communication, mobility, facilitating referrals or linking to relevant services, and psychosocial and spiritual support.
Our clinic is located in the Professorial Suite, Level 2, Campus Centre Building, Prince of Wales Hospital Randwick. Phone: (02) 9382 0400.
Clinic Name | Clinic Day | Clinic Time |
Palliative Supportive Multidisciplinary Clinic | Tuesday | 9.00 am - 2.00 pm |
Our multidisciplinary team includes:
Clinic consultant | |
Dr Rebecca Strutt | Palliative care specialist |
Our other health professionals |
Dietitian |
Speech Pathologist |
Pharmacist |
Occupational Therapist |
Physiotherapist |
Clinical Nurse Consultant |
Inclusion criteria
To be referred to the Palliative Community Supportive Care Services, a person must fit ALL of the below criteria:
- Must live within South Eastern Sydney Local Health District
- Must have a medical referral from a GP or specialist involved in their care
- Must have a diagnosis of a life limiting/progressive illness
- Must require Multidisciplinary team input (Medical, Allied Health or Nursing)
A patient must fit at least ONE of following:
- Health professional would not be surprised if the patient died in the next 12 months.
- Complex and increasing symptom burden
- Persistent symptoms, despite optimal treatment of underlying condition(s)
- Deterioration in functional performance status and increased support needs
- The person (or family):
- Asks for palliative care
- Wishes to change goals of care to focus on quality of life
- Progressive weight loss of more than 10% dry body mass, in last 6 months
- Two or more unplanned acute admissions in last 12 months
- New sentinel event in the last 6 months, resulting in significant functional loss/change
Exclusion criteria
List of exclusion criteria | Alternative referral pathway |
Actively dying | Refer patient to the local Palliative Care Community Service |
Rapid deterioration thought to be in the last 3 months of life | |
Requiring high frequency of palliative nursing and medical support in the community | |
Declining referral to palliative care | Flag with GP/primary referral to readress referral at a later date |
No MDT needs | Refer to relevant outpatient clinic/s where single discipline needs can be addressed. |
Patient has no primary or specialist care team to continue their care on discharge from service or to enact recommendations. | Primary referrer to consider. |
Please note that this service is not the appropriate place to assist with de novo NDIS applications, primary mental health diagnoses, complex behavioural or chronic pain management. We are happy to support referrers in navigating to the correct service for people with these additional needs.
*if the referrer feels strongly that a patient has unmet needs and fulfils other inclusion criteria, further case discussion is suggested with the Medical Specialist/CNC about appropriateness of such a referral.
If your patient is eligible for treatment, please read this information on how to submit your referral.
Private referrals (bulk-billed through Medicare)
All patients have the right to choose to be treated as a public or private patient for outpatient attendances. If your patient chooses to be treated privately and bulk-billed through Medicare, your referral must meet the following criteria:
- You must address the referral to one Consultant from our Specialist team, not the hospital, clinic, outpatient department or JMO
- You must sign and date the referral, and include your provider number and practice address
- You must state the period of referral in months, or refer “indefinitely”
- You must provide this referral on or prior to the appointment date.
Please note that it is inappropriate for our administration team to recommend a Consultant for your patient. We have listed the names and specialties of our Consultants above to help you decide on the most appropriate practitioner.
Who will contact your patient to schedule an appointment?
Once the eReferral has been received and accepted a notification will be sent to the referrer and patient. Appointment details will be provided via letter to the patient and GP. If an appointment cannot be made, we will send patients a letter confirming that they are on the outpatient waiting list for the next available appointment. Patients will receive an SMS reminder 3 days before their appointment.
Who can you contact to follow up on a referral?
You may contact (02) 9382 0422 to follow up on a referral.
What is the process if a patient misses or cancels their appointment?
If your patient needs to change or cancel their appointment, they should phone the service on (02) 9382 0422.
We will contact you if your patient misses or cancels their appointment, with a plan to reschedule as appropriate.
We are a Medicare service. You must provide a referral that is addressed to one of our Specialist team. Your patient will be bulk-billed.