NSW Telestroke Service - Information for Health Professionals
Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney, hosts the NSW Telestroke Service. Our service supports hospitals in regional and remote NSW to care for people who have symptoms of stroke. This is a virtual, telehealth service, meaning our doctors provide services via telephone or videoconference.
This webpage provides information, resources and education for health professionals about the NSW Telestroke Service.
My Health Learning: Learning Pod – NSW Telestroke Training for Doctors
- Telestroke Training for Doctors- Introduction by Professor Ken Butcher (Code: 388306050)
- Telestroke Overview: Roles and responsibilities (Code: 331303823)
- Rapid Stroke Assessment at the Telestroke referring site (Code: 331304850)
Introduction to NSW Telestroke live webinar
45 minute webinar hosted 4 times/year by the NSW Telestroke Neurologists. Topics include hyperacute stroke management and the NSW Telestroke model of care. Ask your local Stroke Care Coordinator about the next live session.
Access the recording here:
3rd February 2025- Introduction to NSW Telestroke Service for Medical Officers
28th October 2024- Introduction to NSW Telestroke Service for Medical Officers
22nd July 2024- Introduction to NSW Telestroke Service for Medical Officers
22nd April 2024- Introduction to NSW Telestroke Service for Medical Officer
NSW Telestroke Service | ED Model of Care Education
NSW Telestroke Service ED Model of Care. Inservice for clinicians working in the emergency department.
Access the recording here:
NSW Telestroke Service | ED Model of Care Education
Virtual Reality Headsets (TACTICS VR)
- Stroke Telehealth module 20 minute VR module explaining the first 24 hours of an acute stroke. Ask your local Stroke Care Coordinator for the headset
NSW Telestroke ASAP Tool
3 minute video explainer of Acute Stroke Assessment Protocol Tool (ASAP) with Dr James Evans Deputy Medical Director NSW Telestroke Service
NSW TSS ASAP Tool update 2023.pdf
National Institutes Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS)
NIHSS assessment & certification via Blue Cloud is the official accreditation and training service for NIHSS assessment. Select join with “Basic Membership-Free”
Angels NIHSS training videos Angels is a private initiative funded by Boehringer Ingelheim. They have a NIHSS training tool and users will need to register on the website.
My Health Learning: Learning Pod – NIHSS for Doctors
- NIHSS for Doctors- Introduction by Professor Neil Spratt (Code: 386600153)
- National Institutes Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) (Code: 283992861)
Modified Rankin Score (mRS)
Accreditation on the Modified Rankin Scale
Telestroke Roles and Responsibilities
NSW Telestroke Service | ED Model of Care Education
NSW Telestroke Service ED Model of Care. Inservice for clinicians working in the emergency department.
Access the recording here:
NSW Telestroke Service | ED Model of Care Education
My Health Learning: Telestroke
- Telestroke Overview: Roles and responsibilities (Code: 331303823)
- Rapid Stroke Assessment at the Telestroke referring site (Code: 331304850)
- National Institutes Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) (Code: 283992861)
My Health Learning: Learning Pod – Telestroke Training for Nurses
- TeleStroke Training for Nurses- Introduction by Briony Van Galen (Code: 386600221)
- Telestroke Overview: Roles and Responsibilities (Code: 331303823)
- Rapid Stroke Assessment at the Telestroke Referring Site (Code: 331304850)
- Nurses’ Role in Reperfusion Therapy – Alteplase (Code: 356429660)
My Health Learning: Learning Pod – Stroke Update for Nurses
- Stroke Update for Nurses- Introduction by Kylie Tastula (Code: 388452458)
- National Institutes Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) (Code: 283992861)
- Module 2 Basic understanding of ECG and rhythm interpretation (Code: 359181145)
- Why is continence an issue in stroke? (Code: 327984047)
- Acute Screening of Swallow in Stroke/TIA (ASSIST) (Code: 266116067)
My Health Learning: Endovascular Clot Retrieval (ECR)
- To familiarise stroke clinicians with the treatment and management of acute ischaemic stroke with Endovascular Clot Retrieval (ECR) (Code: 455570958)
Virtual Reality Headsets (TACTICS VR)
- Stroke Telehealth module: 20 minute VR module explaining the first 24 hours of an acute stroke. Ask your local Stroke Care Coordinator for the VR headset.
- Stroke Nursing Module: Nursing management of acute stroke patients. Ask your local Stroke Care Coordinator for the VR headset.
NSW Telestroke Nursing Education Calendar
NSW Telestroke Service provides free online education for nurses working in NSW Telestroke referring sites. Some of these webinars will be recorded and made available for future education purposes.
For more information, visit NSW TSS Nursing Education Calendar
NSW Telestroke Nursing Education Repository
NSW Telestroke Service provides free online education for nurses working in NSW Telestroke referring sites. This list of education topics is timetabled in the NSW Telestroke Nursing Education Calendar, alternatively contact us on SESLHD-NSWTelestrokeService@health.nsw.gov.au to arrange an in-service at a time that suits your site.
NSW Telestroke ASAP Tool
3 minute video explainer of Acute Stroke Assessment Protocol Tool (ASAP) with Dr James Evans Deputy Medical Director NSW Telestroke Service
NSW TSS ASAP Tool update 2023.pdf
National Institutes Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS)
NIHSS assessment & certification via Blue Cloud is the official accreditation and training service for NIHSS assessment. Select join with “Basic Membership-Free”
Angels NIHSS training videos Angels is a private initiative funded by Boehringer Ingelheim. They have a NIHSS training tool and users will need to register on the website.
Modified Rankin Score (mRS)
Accreditation on the Modified Rankin Scale
Telestroke Roles and Responsibilities
5 minute video explainer of Telestroke Radiology process
Sample NSW Telestroke CT Guide
NSW Telestroke Service | ED Model of Care Education
NSW Telestroke Service ED Model of Care. Inservice for clinicians working in the emergency department.
Access the recording here:
NSW Telestroke Service | ED Model of Care Education
My Health Learning: Telestroke
- Telestroke Overview: Roles and responsibilities (Code: 331303823)
- Rapid Stroke Assessment at the Telestroke referring site (Code: 331304850)
- National Institutes Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) (Code: 283992861)
Telestroke Education Sessions for Radiographers
Contact SESLHD-NSWTelestrokeService@health.nsw.gov.au for more information on education sessions available.
Telestroke Community of Practice for Radiographers
NEW: Community of Practice for Radiographers meeting 2nd monthly from July 2024.
Contact SESLHD-NSWTelestrokeService@health.nsw.gov.au if you are interested to be involved.
Telestroke Roles and Responsibilities
NSW Telestroke Service | ED Model of Care Education
NSW Telestroke Service ED Model of Care. Inservice for clinicians working in the emergency department.
Access the recording here:
NSW Telestroke Service | ED Model of Care Education
My Health Learning: Telestroke
- Telestroke Overview: Roles and responsibilities (Code: 331303823)
- Rapid Stroke Assessment at the Telestroke referring site (Code: 331304850)
- National Institutes Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) (Code: 283992861)
My Health Learning: Learning Pod – Stroke Update for Allied Health Clinicians
- Stroke Update for Allied Health Clinicians- Introduction by Fiona Ryan (Course Code: 388666914)
- National Institutes Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) (Code: 283992861)
- Understanding the Vision Defect in Stroke Screening Tool (Code: 160780759)
My Health Learning: Learning Pod – Telestroke Training for Nurses
- TeleStroke Training for Nurses- Introduction by Briony Van Galen (Code: 386600221)
- Telestroke Overview: Roles and Responsibilities (Code: 331303823)
- Rapid Stroke Assessment at the Telestroke Referring Site (Code: 331304850)
- Nurses’ Role in Reperfusion Therapy – Alteplase (Code: 356429660)
My Health Learning: Learning Pod – Stroke Update for Nurses
- Stroke Update for Nurses- Introduction by Kylie Tastula (Code: 388452458)
- National Institutes Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) (Code: 283992861)
- Module 2 Basic understanding of ECG and rhythm interpretation (Code: 359181145)
- Why is continence an issue in stroke? (Code: 327984047)
- Acute Screening of Swallow in Stroke/TIA (ASSIST) (Code: 266116067)
My Health Learning: Endovascular Clot Retrieval (ECR)
- To familiarise stroke clinicians with the treatment and management of acute ischaemic stroke with Endovascular Clot Retrieval (ECR) (Code: 455570958)
NSW Telestroke Education Resources for Nurses
List includes different pathways of learning to address both novice to intermediate skills, in the management of patients presenting to a Telestroke site. It includes self-directed and supported modes of delivery.
NSW Telestroke ASAP Tool
3 minute video explainer of Acute Stroke Assessment Protocol Tool (ASAP) with Dr James Evans Deputy Medical Director NSW Telestroke Service
NSW TSS ASAP Tool update 2023.pdf
National Institutes Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS)
NIHSS assessment & certification via Blue Cloud is the official accreditation and training service for NIHSS assessment. Select join with “Basic Membership-Free”
Angels NIHSS training videos Angels is a private initiative funded by Boehringer Ingelheim. They have a NIHSS training tool and users will need to register on the website.
Modified Rankin Score (mRS)
Accreditation on the Modified Rankin Scale
Telestroke Roles and Responsibilities
Stroke Process Sheet- video demonstration of the Stroke Process Sheet including modified Rankin Scale and Hunter 8 assessment
Protocol C11 | Acute Stroke- NSW Ambulance protocol for Acute Stroke
MS Teams Quick Reference Guides
Telestroke Roles and Responsibilities
Diagnostic Utility of Computed Tomography Perfusion in the Telestroke Setting
Kshitij Arora, Aaron Gaekwad, James Evans, William O’Brien, Timothy Ang, Carlos Garcia-Esperon, Christopher Blair, Leon S. Edwards, Beng L.A. Chew, Candice Delcourt, Neil J. Spratt, Mark W. Parsons and Ken S. Butcher
Originally published 2 Jun 2022 https://doi.org/10.1161/STROKEAHA.122.038798 Stroke. 2022; 53:2917–2925
NSW Telestroke Service Newsletter # 1 December 2021
NSW Telestroke Service Newsletter # 2 March 2022
NSW Telestroke Service Newsletter # 3 June 2022
NSW Telestroke Service Newsletter # 4 October 2022
NSW Telestroke Service Newsletter # 5 December 2022
NSW Telestroke Service Newsletter # 6 June 2023
NSW Telestroke Service Newsletter # 7 December 2023
Delivering state-of-the-art stroke assessment and treatment across NSW – Professor Ken Butcher
A collaborative virtual approach with treatment tailored for each patient – Dr Timothy Ang
NSW Telestroke Service – insights from patients, carers and clinicians
NSW Telestroke Service – Rachel Peake: Tamworth
Transforming local stroke services – Kelly Andersen
Helping local doctors connect with specialist diagnosis and treatment – Rachel and Ben James